Tuesday 27 October 2009

Dissertation Demands

Apologies to all as this week I will mainly be occupied with my final spurt on completing my MA in Fashion & Film dissertation. Once written I will begin a mammoth edit process. Yikes, it is all very demanding so I'm sorry if I'm neglecting your lovely blogs by not commenting. It is but a short period of time to be so neglectful...

PS Update - I'll still be posting I'm just mindful I'm not commenting or responding to comments and I have standards!!


  1. Hi there-This is your dream and quite rightly takes priority. Keep focused and wishing you much success with it, you've certainly put your 'all' into it!!

  2. Good luck! Don't let petite Garcon get to Lonely. x

  3. Good luck darlin, nearly there! What are you doing it on? I'm doing the History and Culture MA xx

  4. Good luck with it! Your dissertation topic sounds very interesting. Let us know more about it when you get a chance.

  5. Wow, what a great topic for a dissertaion. I hope that you turn all your academic work into a book.

  6. First things first and your dissertation definitely comes first. Good luck!

  7. Fashion and film sound like subjects you are already authoritative in and, most importantly, are passionate about. Wishing you all the very best with your dissertation xx

  8. I'm sure it's demanding, but also a very rewarding process and lots of fun! I wish I had a writing project I could sink my teeth in!

  9. I so know what you mean, with midterms, life, and work, how do people find time to blog and comment? Good luck on your finals!

  10. Sounds like a great topic. Am interested to learn which periods you're exploring . . .

  11. That's ok, darling. We all have our life and priorities....

    Good luck to all



Thank you for commenting, much appreciated. Sorry about no longer offering anonymous comments but spamming had become a very annoying issue. xxx