Often I have bemoaned the fact the
Viva Mayr Clinic has never called me for a stay in the interest of journalistic promotion. Boy would I leap at subjecting myself to their principles and philosophy for well being. My biggest bug bearer when it comes to my body is the fact I have never been able to shake a pocket of very stubborn fat known affectionately as my Michelin tyre.
It is that sort of wobbly bulge that creates the muffin top look when you pull your skinny jeans on or wear a tight fitting dress or even try to layer with a sheer top. And the fact of the matter is I used to run half marathons, I lift weights and now I swim 2 to 3 miles a week. I'm no slouch in the exercise department. Don't forget I have a exuberant young pup to walk daily as well (and no we are not talking Mr MDS).
The issue in my latter years, advancing far away from my 20s and 30s, is that I have to choose as the French say 'between my face or my backside'. I've kept it polite! In reality I don't want to look tired and haggard or try faddy diets. People I like my food and drink intake. On the whole I'm pretty healthy with a good intake of vegetables, complex carbs and protein. Occasionally on my more hormonal days I do scoff some cake and chocolate. I don't drink that much even though occasionally I do go OTT but I can count those memorable drink indulgences on one hand in a year. In short I'm almost the same dress size I was at 21 - just a little bit bigger and heavier.
In the summer I had the most awful brush with campylobacter and lost 10lbs in a week. Then following this I went to Hong Kong and couldn't eat much due to my allergy to prawns. The weight loss did improve the tyre but at a cost. I was starving and listless.
When I was introduced to
CoolSculpting my reaction was when! Reading the list of 9 points of why you would consider CoolSculpting to treat stubborn fat areas I could answer yes to all. Although not technically sacred of needles I wouldn't choose to encounter them unless absolutely necessary. After my initial consultation at the wonderful
Cosmetic Skin Clinic (more about them later) a date was booked into the diary. The date was important as it was based around the need to film it all. Yes, I am a star, mainly one who shares all her fat! The idea that my fat cells could be frozen and then dispersed through the body's natural process of elimination was enough to get the tyre out. Having had the
science explained I was prepared to find out how good the solution is.
The procedure was extremely simple and pretty painless. The assessment of suitability is the worst aspect, as I stood there with the lovely Dr Tracy Mountford happily grabbing my tummy area and stressing how suitable I was with a good wad of my tyre in her hands. After the assessment it was on to the real deal. If you read the CoolSculpting blurb it suggests you might email or read a book while the treatment is taking place. This conveys it isn't too unpleasant a procedure and it isn't. I did read a page of my book and probably did a couple of tweets but in the main I slept! Well no dog, no kids and no anybody at all demanding my attention -what would you do?
Please can I stay and sleep some more
The only bit I winced at very slightly was my after treatment massage. It seems some people like it and some don't. I fell into the latter. However this was my only moment of discomfort unless you count having to leave the clinic. It was so nice and relaxing there I wanted to stay. Two weeks on from the treatment I can honestly say I have noticed a slight improvement although I was clearly told the results aren't truly noticeable until after 3 weeks. My clothes do fit better, I'm less bulky and more toned. Also the whole experience motivated me. Sometimes when you keep hitting a brick wall no matter how hard you try, you can't help but think 'oh stuff it' and reach for a biscuit or skip the gym or a walk. Now I want to do push ups and sit ups every day. I have downloaded the apps!
So here is a before - I'm warning you it ain't pretty. Also I have in the interest of 'over' sharing taken one after a week. I think you might agree that there is a slight improvement. In a few weeks when I really notice the difference I will share again. After which you might be very insistent I return to rubbish shots of me with my clothes on!
Told you it wasn't a pretty sight, the redness is due to having been treated, the practice nurse wanted these shoots for her records and the film crew have them too!

No trickery involved this was a couple of days afterwards and whilst it is minus the redness I think you would agree there is progress. Of course the real results will only be apparent after 30 - 60 days but I'm so happy already I felt like over sharing!
It was an absolute privilege to review CoolSculpting as it is a non invasive procedure and the industry speak of 'downtime' i.e. recovery is zero. I drove myself home but thankfully didn't have to cook supper I had taken care of all that. The procedure is permanent to the fat cells that die. They are frozen and gone. It isn't a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise but it is a viable solution to addressing stubborn fat. The evidence is that the camera can't lie, well certainly my iPhone photos have no ability to fib and the results are evident to see. I am realistic I don't expect to look like Jennifer Ennis and the reduction will according to the number or percentage of cells frozen and killed off. By all accounts I had 'a good draw' that is in house speak for my fat got nicely sucked up into the machine and was being frozen. Therefore I'm crossing my fingers and toes for that 'good draw' to give me a good result...watch this errr stomach space.