This posting interupts the 'How to make a Style shift' trilogy. Actually my weekend away did me in for posting, but least said about that the better.
Suffice it to say I succombed to temptation in Sunglass Hut in Gatwick Airport. In fact, I had left my usual Chanel sunnies at home for saftey reasons and was sporting a £2 pair from Primark.
I have to say that after 30mins of wearing the cheapies, my head was hurting and I had marks on the bridge of my nose. Excuses over, I sauntered into Sunglass Hut and nearly walked out again as the usual array of Prada, Bulgari, Versace, Chanel etc were on display and I really had my heart set on some Tom Ford's or Linda Farrow Vintage this season as recommended by Flashy Shades
Anyway I briefly asked the shop assistant did she have any Tom Ford sunnies and they actually had arrived in that day. In fact Sunglass Hut has only just started stocking the Tom Ford range.
The Whitney style didn't suit me and I was drawn to a beige pair which happened to be Raquel and a fabulous vintage style they are. Gorgeously lightweight and they put my £2 ones to complete shame.
Due to the advantage of duty free they were coming in at £152 rather than £182 and then with a fortunate 20% reduction - they were display ones (by now firmly wrapped round my face) - I only parted with a mere £123.
I like to think I got the 20% discount for making the assistant laugh. Giddy with the excitement of my weekend away I was struck by the fact Mr Ford had no idea that Del Boy's wife was called Raquel when he named these little beauties. So I acted the scenario out of being Del Boy and alerting Rodney to the fact Raquel had had some sunnies named after her.
Ok you'd have to have been there and seen us both laughing so irreverently but as Del Boy so rightly says - he who dares wins!
Whether I was there or not, it makes for a great story, and a great score for you. Good one!