Sunday, 6 December 2009

I laughed out loud

It isn't often I cite the Sunday Times Style magazine after all they usually draw upon me, but I forgive them every time because they cheer my Sunday up in the same way The Guardian Weekend magazine fulfils the same role on a Saturday. However today for good measure in the Going Down section were Melissa Shoes and I quote "Crocs for the fashion pack. Stop this plastic madness!"


  1. Hi there, I gave you a little blog award, come picck it up!

    I kind of like melissas actually!

  2. Noooo - they didn't?! I'm bummed, I'm a big Melissa fan. Go the plastic madness! xx

  3. Isn't it time for that pumps 'go down' generally?

  4. I hate crocs, but I actually rather like the Melissa shoes.

  5. I bought these shoes a few months back in Brazil.... they are actually very comfortable ...


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