What's on your wish list? What item will you be making do with?
What's on your wish list? What item will you be making do with?
I got to thinking that, is what you wear under your clothes, as defining as the image you portray to the world? Only a few weeks ago a friend remarked how she didn't understand why people didn't have matching underwear.
I nearly choked on my calamari and muttered something incomprehensible, gesticulating my mouth was full. I used the nodding head and wide eyes in agreement look to disguise my bra and pants were of the non matching kind.
In my world a proper fitting bra is paramount and yes, at times, I do wear black pants with black bra, white pants to white bra etc. However, they are not necessarily a matching set and I'll quite happily wear any colour knickers with my bras. My pants draw consists of one purple pair of pants that match my recently purchased purple bra, the rest are a white, black, flesh, red, blue, pink mix of boy shorts. I love boy short/camisole knicker cut. They are all mostly pretty with lace or lacy in design. I love cotton and tend to buy them in M&S.
I do think that I fall into the Amy Winehouse/Patricia Field camp when it comes to underwear - ok now someone is going to tell me Ms Field wouldn't be seen dead without her matching pure silk undies - ditto for Amy. Basically I prefer my bras to pants. I worry about bras and like to wear brightly coloured ones that show - hence purple number - with the right outfit.
When it comes to underwear I'm a tomboy that occasionally plays tiger. How about you?
Disney Roller Girl tagged me good and proper to reveal my 7 songs for Spring.
This set me off on a You Tube dallience of which downloading videos and uploading to my blog proved to be a techno step to overcome. I choose not to ransack my iPod for my top seven as my selection of Amy Winhouse, Mark Ronson, Kayne West, Stereophonics, All Saints have sat there unchallenged due to complete laziness.
The choices by Disney Roller Girl set me off an trip down memory lane and also nearly a tear as I had to part with my LPs and singles during our move from Bristol to London. Downsizing and clearing out were the top issues at the time- agh!
Still here's mine, eclectic and diverse
Hong Kong Garden: Siouxsie and the Banshees
Should I stay or should I go: The Clash
Down in the tube station at Midnight: The Jam
Unfinished Symphony: Massive Attack
I try: Macy Gray
Could it be Magic: Take That
Say what you want: Texas ( I choose the vid for pure Sharleen Spiteri oggling - she is just the coolest!)
Now all I have to do is upload them to iPod and continue the spirit and rules of the game as dictated and therefore request 7 fellow bloggers to list their 7 songs for spring.
Now if I'd been a smarter shopper this year and planned my wardrobe better then I would be whooping for joy and parting with my hard earned pennies for this little number.
DKNY Pleated cummerbund dress £210
The Net-a- Porter description is pure grown up delight 'Navy instantly gives an air of elegance and combined with the intricate pleating and cummerbund this is a classy cocktail dress that can be pared down with sandals for a chic grown-up day look. Exchange the cummerbund for a belt to add color.'
If I had the funds to purchase this dress then I wouldn't be sharing with you!
This would fall into the 50 essential wardrobe buys probably under the category of day dress or understated evening dress for gallery opening invitation (as if!)
If you do undertake a mega grooming session then just add a hair treatment product, again you can get sachets from £1.45. By the time you've finished your grooming you can rinse it off and have lovely soft hair to boot.
One other treat is a scrub and buff for your feet, particulalry needed if padding around in ballet pumps and/or flip flops. Use the scrub to invigorate the feet. Soak in hot water with lemon and then apply Scholl Footcare's deep moisturising cream. To get super soft feet apply oddles of the cream and put on a pair of socks for an hour or so.
One salon treatment for all these thing is about £110 verus an initial outlay of £25 - £30. Put the money you save towards your A/W clothes fund and don't forget practice makes perfect. My first bikini self wax was rubbish but now I could give myself a Brazilian at a push!
Get it for £11.99 at Amazon .co.uk or $19.77 from Amazon .com.
I have a fascination with zips and it's completely in a saucy minx way. I love asking my husband to zip up a dress for me. However he is complety impervious to my James Bond fantasy where the zip never really gets done up! One day we might be late for an evening out....
Zips are a great way to change an item, to add zing. I have a cheapie Zara shift dress that I'll wear again come Autumn but it has an insipid cloth zip so I intend to change it for a fierce YKK heavy duty metal zip.
Zips from Calico Laine.