Saturday, 2 February 2008

Rebel rebel

I'm officially slacking today by not going to the allotment. Well, it is bitterly cold although very sunny and I've got a ton of housework to do!

Last night I busied myself with cutting and sewing as I altered a few unworn items for springtime, when it comes. I also learnt how to tie dye a t-shirt courtesy of Henri Holland and March's issue of Vogue. I'm not sure that it will work or where to get the tubes of dye he recommends but I'll give it a go, it will be funny if nothing else. I don't actually like the nu-rave colours he uses, I'll be going more for a blues, lilac and beige mix - more understated, somewhat similar to D&G's painterly dress fabrics.

I'm completely lovin' the new use of painterly in all manner of copy to describe the ecletic use of print and flowers for the coming season. It is so high brow and replaces fashion forward as the new de rigeur word for the fash journos. Although my favourite examples of fashion journalism is when we are told firmly that we can't wear something anymore. Pashminas and Uggs were great cases of this and we all ignored it. The latest no no is wearing your skinnies inside your boots. In fact wearing skinnies is quite borderline don't ya know.

I'm torn between getting out of the habit of such easy dressing and making the most of my nice boots. I'm down to one pair of skinnies, new ones from Uniqlo, risky v.pale blue denim ones. I'm heartin' 'em but only time will tell if I'm fashion forward. Now, if only I could lose the boots and embrace the tie dye........

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