I've got about 5
mins to catch up on blogs and do a post. The lovely
Sharon Rose the Thrifting Queen very kindly gave me an award. This is good news otherwise I would have bored you with my cycling attack by snappy dogs incident this morning on way to train station. I was cycling through the park when two goodness knows what snappy things went for me. The owner was useless and basically I swore (quite a bit). At the other end of the park are a group of school kids no doubt amused by what would look like Anna
Wintour on a
Pashley cycle from a distance (my Pink Soda Coat with
DVF dress, Pierre Hardy shoes and Chanel sunnies plus my new fringe) going round in circles being attacked by
yappy critters. After making my escape, as I got close to them I breezily said 'That was a spectacle wasn't it.' Okay now I have bored you with my 7:45am drama.
So, over to the award. The rules of acceptance include telling of 7 things about yourself and passing on this award to 7 other beautiful
bloggers, so here goes!!

1. My vehicle of choice is my
Pashley2. I have been known to swear like a trouper (please see above extenuating circumstances)
3. I have a weakness for Percy Pigs from M&S
4. Nearly every morning I start the day with fresh carrot, apple and ginger juice thanks to my juicer.
5. Mr
MDS irons his own shirts, I'm too slapdash.
6. I'm a complete neat freak
7. I'm off to Cardiff on Saturday for the rugby, Wales v Italy - it will be lush!
I tag these 7 seven lovely
bloggersFaux Fuchsia
Belette Rouge
Wife in the City
That's not my Age
WaceyStyleForty Not Outand Fashion Pearl's of Wisdom (I needed her
Henry Holland F.F.S t-shirt yesterday morning)