An over stacked wardrobe, is a size issue of a different sort. Now I know that for some having lots and lots of clothes neatly hung, stacked and looked after or organised in all manner of solutions is perfectly fine. But...for lots of people there is an endless spend, wear, unworn, sell on
ebay, take to charity shop cycle due to flights of fashion fancy, boredom, retail therapy and general overs spending. Consumption is part and parcel of our lives but I'm returning to the idea of slow fashion, the idea that despite the buzz of a new season, the desire created by the editorial in magazines and the newness of clothes in the stores, you need to really think before you buy - the concept of stop, look and listen.

STOP element is the bit where you check out everything in your wardrobe and have a good look at what you wear, like and want to have. Sort and hang everything in items - i.e. trousers, skirts, cardigans, dresses, shirts - same with folding items. Don't buy anything for a couple of weeks and see how you get on with what you have. Think about your own style, how you like to look and what works for you.
Have a good
LOOK at what you have examine its potential - can it be altered? Does it really work for your life. Take a look at what you spend on clothes, how much has been bought on credit. Really evaluate what you spend and why. Again the looking involves how you look in what you have and how you can make sure you are not getting yourself into debt over a fashion fix.
LISTEN to the voices in your head that tell you not to buy when you do! Okay, I'm kidding but there is enough noise here on the
blogosphere to make you re-evaluate what you spend, buy and why.
I do think that less is more, I'm more of a fan of the capsule wardrobe but like everyone else I'm guilty of overstocking my wardrobe and often on repeats - how many stripy tees does a gal need!
It is really hard when you love fashion not to get sucked into the endless cycle (and recycling of looks) of buying whether its over or under the budget.
I also like the idea often muted as the French approach to fashion which basically translates as a few key quality pieces of fashion purchased per season. It is another less is more but less items for more money provide quality. It was when I started clearing out peoples wardrobes and found mounds of clothes and accessories that I got turned off having too much. Even though
I recently cleared my wardrobe out I still feel I have too much. I'm hoping that my shop day (all saved up for) in September will last through until March. I know I'll get tempted along the way but I'm determined to be the person that only buys a few key pieces per season and that means a smaller but beautiful wardrobe.
Updated PS: I've realised I've forgotten to add that your lifestyle and income is the key determinate of what you spend and buy. I know this is stating the obvious but my views and decisions reflect where I am now, not my misspent youth and party animal days of yore. I need to have less as I don't go out as much, because thanks to Mr MDS I've just signed for a delivery of a new 42" HD telly and he's upgrading our Sky box to HD! This does not make for an uber stylish wardrobe to wear out. Geez thanks goodness I've got friends to meet and a new job to secure otherwise I'd have no justification for a single item due to my MA lifestyle. Mind you can't wait to see Mad Men in HD.