Sunday, 8 February 2009

Hard times call for enterprise...

...of the ebay variety. Yep I've dutifully trawled through my wardrobe, styling stock and posted on ebay for what seemed hours! Spurred on by the fact I need a few new season items and I'd like to buy Mr MDS a nice valentines present from Paul Smith for being so understanding of my MA obsession!

I've listed lots of items including my Max Mara dress and a top I bought from Joseph that I've never worn with its tags proudly still on. It is really nice but I have never had a tagged unused item sat in my wardrobe so on ebay it went.

the evidence!

I'm determined to stick to my no spend resolution but think raising funds is a way to circumvent and get one or two key necessary updates to my now parred down wardrobe items.

As I was being so industrious, I decided to finally get round to cleaning the petit garcon pram/pushchair and putting it on ebay too. He has used it once in the last year as he's so good at walking or riding his tricycle and I have the Mclaren lightweight buggy too. I was almost weeping as I listed it as he was such a gorgeous baby in it and it was such a trusty number. But someone who needs it and can't afford a brand new one will get tremendous value and use out of it.

Gosh I feel virtuous! Just pop to my list if you fancy some highwasited peg trousers.


  1. Hi there-I'm very saddened to see the maxmara dress on for sale-I just relooked at your December post and you look gorgeous in it, plus you said you were going to keep it-those colours are soo in for this summer, it really should be a keeper! Sorry, rant over-good luck with the selling and the cuffs for Mr MDS are gorgeous!

  2. Sharon Rose - I know what you mean but it isn't something I need - it isn't an every day item and nothing I own is definitely a keeper at the moment. It was a toss up between dres and Jean Patou coat - which I decided was a keeper!

  3. What a great idea! This is definitely something I also should do, I have way to many things I dont use. Good luck with the selling!

  4. Well I think that if you don't want them, you better take some profit.

    I've been thinking of Ebay lattely. I never bought anything there and I even don't know how to (shame on me I know), but I'm always afraid of buying on-line. But now I'm thinking of it....
    Maybe I will ask for instructions.

    Good luck with your sellings dear

  5. I wish I had the time to do a similar clearout....

  6. I'm on a no spending resolution too.. ebay is great, I've sold many of my old designers on it!

  7. Lots of lovely luck with your little enterprise! I hope your things are snapped up for big juicy prices.

    We just had massive bushfires here and I'm trying to see what I have in my wardrobe that I can donate to the people who have lost everything. Sadly, I don't think I have anything much that they'd want, I have a feeling the newly homeless would find my hammer pants and eighties things desperately depressing and unsuitable.

  8. How good does it feel to have a giant clear-out? We did it last weekend - the full flat - and boy do we still feel very pleased with ourselves :) Goodluck with your Ebay sales!

  9. Hi again-Well, against the Jean Patou coat, theres no contest really! The dress and other pieces should sell really well as they are all lovely items-good luck!!

  10. Cute top! I heart ebay too!


  11. Good luck, lady! I'm sure some much-needed dough will come of this endeavor.

  12. Very good idea. I tried the eBay thing once - it is so tiring. Good luck with your sales!

  13. Nothing like a good wardrobe clear-out ... may the funds start rollin' in! xx

  14. Good job! Sell off your stuff, and rake in the cash.

  15. Excellent plan...I think I'm going to get on the ebay train and make some $$ to buy the new Marni shoes I want.

    Lovely blog, doll!!


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