Which brings me to the celebrity interview. Is it just me or are they all spammed with name, film or latest record just replaced depending on which ever celebrity it is. Most will seem to have some association or ambassador status with Chanel/Estee Laudee. And yet the cycle of celebrity shows no sign of abating.
I'm never sure whether they are the false gods or the gods we deserve. It is hard to imagine not having celebrities but has the constant sharing gone too far? I mean who cares whether Brad or Angelina are arguing or affectionate with each other.
But then I always think of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor as the couple who created the maelstrom of peering avidly in to the life of stars, particularly as they divorced and then married each other again. I'm looking forward to reading Furious Love! Will there be someone like me in many years to come eagerly awaiting the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie version or has the heyday passed?

I have to say I feel it is an unhealthy obsession that we have, I think it continues as it must sell magazines.
ReplyDeleteI personally am bored stiff with celebrity gossip although I find myself drawn to photos where they look weird through too many procedures or just normal rather then "presented". What does worry me is the trend to covet the celebrity lifestyle as people are getting into serious debt just to dress in the latest "must have" xx
I do like a little bit of celebrity pics and gossip, but it is so over-saturated now that I'm completely bored with them all. I especially can't stand interviews - they have all been trained to give media-friendly answers in order to promote a product. That isn't an interview, it is an advertorial.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I hate about Grazia is the front cover and headline story usualy some made up BS about Katie Holmes, Angelina or Jen Aniston - we dont care, it is never true, why bother?
ReplyDeleteI also hate the celeb interviews in the mags as they are only ever pushing new movies or beauty campaigns, they are always so forced and carefully edited, they just seem pointless.
I think it was much better in the days of Liz where movie stars were more untouchable and we got to see them in their full glamour at premieres. I really dont need updates on Posh's bunions. Time we took a stepback and gave them breathing space, then maybe they wouldnt mind opening up more in interviews instead of being petrified of saying the wrong thing.
It is just spam, spam for the mind but I know girls who rush to buy Heat to see which 'fault' a celeb has just so they feel better about themseleves, it is very sad perhaps Heat should offer self esteem councelling for its readers and actually for some of its celebs such as Katie Price and Kerry Katona!
I wish we hadn't celebrities. they are all so annoying! You should get a record player! the sound is awesome;)
ReplyDeleteI so agree with Pearl, I hate the way Grazia has about 6 cover girls that they seem to use on a rotation basis and the fact I always get excited when they say Brad and Angelina are splitting up and it never happens. They should stick to fashion and forget the celeb gossip if they can't get the stories right.
ReplyDeleteAlso totally bored with it all - the only time I even pick up a gossip mag is at the hairdresser, when I've finished the fashion ones. It's a combination of too much information and not enough truth/interest ... tacky and dull.
ReplyDeleteI've stopped reading celebrity gossip as its either got repetitive or its about z-list celebrities like Kerry Katona or Peter Andre. I wish our celebrities were classy like the Burton and Taylor days. Katherine Hepburn lived with the married Spencer Tracy, when he died. Despite being devastated she discreetly 'went behind the scenes' so that his widow was could grieve in public - she was a classy true woman. I just can't see our modern-day celebrities doing that.
ReplyDeleteLOOK magazine is exactly the same - the cover is either Cheryl Cole, Angelina, Jen, Cheryl Cole or Cheryl Cole. Aside from the fact that it is boring, as others have said, it must be exhausting being a high-profile celeb. I hate Heat and Grazia for focusing on women's faults, too - it's misogynistic and far too invasive. And then you've got someone like Katie Price, who appears to gear her life around the media.
ReplyDeleteSad but true, celebrity sells, magazines, products, whatever.
ReplyDeleteYou either jump into the fray or risk never getting your product, magazine, whatever sold.
Read the Liz-Dick excerpt in Vanity Fair and really enjoyed it. Don't think I'll be moving onto the book unless you report that there's THAT much more to say about them.
ReplyDeleteCelebrity used to mean people celebrated for some achievement. In your example Elizabeth Taylor and Richard (not 'Dick') Burton were famous and powerful actors in a wide range of cinematic and theatrical roles. The pursuit by hungry newshounds and paparrazi who relentlessly chased and recorded their private lives probably contributed to the damaging effects that destroyed their relationship and perhaps ultimately Richard Burton's career and life of excess. Rather than seeking the limelight, except quite reasonably to publicise their latest work performances, they sought privacy in their daily lives. Unlike the current crop of talentless drones who seek public exposure of anything domestic and any small thing else they might do in lieu of an actual contribution to the arts or sciences or humanities.
ReplyDeleteBack in the days celebrities were people with TALENT, one day I hope the media will remember that fact. I did wonder about your recent spams - most amusing HOT THING
ReplyDeleteI want to read this book too, it looks really like it's a great read. I'm sure in a few years time when there will be people amazed by the whole Brad and Angelina relationship. Especially if they break up. I'm fascinated by Sean Penn and Madonna as I was too young to remember their relationship.
ReplyDeleteI once vowed to give up reading celebrity interviews, when I had the epiphany that every single one was a waste of time. Why should I care what some actress says about anything?! However, I quickly relapsed. It's a terrible habit.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who half of these teenage American celebrities are now. I used to know who everyone was.
ReplyDeleteFurious Love looks like one I shall be adding to my ever growing list though. I love an old school star xx