I found the making fun, of the making do stuff that is suddenly de rigueur, in newspapers and magazines far more acceptable than the Lorraine Candy article about slumming it with high street pieces. Steely successful female that she is her report reads like someone who might get crabs from entering the Primark changing rooms. Working for a fashion magazine is a privilege, you get to borrow, insider invites to pre pre sample sales and very occasionally gifts (which you're not meant to accept or you weren't in my day). And I'm sure Lorraine gets to buy too on her well earned salary. But when an editor-in-chief can't find something from the high street to wear to Naomi Campbell's star studded Fashion for Relief charity catwalk show because something from the high street wouldn't pass the test, come on?! What test? Taking the p*** out of making do shows humour and if we can't laugh at hard times then there's no hope. But setting arbitrary 'tests' what is that all about. The test is that sometimes in life only a designer label will do, next time you get caught in a flood make sure your wearing Chanel. Reiss, Whistles in case you didn't hear you are not special enough!
I'm going to have a new benchmark in my life - the Candy test. When I'm next fortunate enough to purchase something additional to my MA books or basic requirements then you might see me being a bit sniffy about anything other than designer.
So when I received two lovely awards from the creative and thrifty Hammie the fact that they weren't designer ...no I won't even go there, I'm running out of styling work as it is!!
Thank you Hammie they are lovely and the Mrs Doyle esque photo (Mrs Doyle is from the wonderful Irish comedy Father Ted) one is my favourite . I don't think she wore designer pinnies - enough!

Now I'm duty bound to pass the first one onto two bloggers and the second one onto seven. So many of you have already received these awards so I'm going to do my best! Mind you I'm sure it doesn't hurt to get things twice.
Both Stylist Stuff and Style Slicker get one and two! Delicious Industries, Le Belette Rouge, Coco's tea party, Everybodysaysdon't and Wear Palettes. Really everyone deserves them but some of you (cough Imelda) aren't that bothered with them and I try to give them to someone different every time because I enjoy every ones blogs. I've also update my blogroll to add those whom I read but have failed to highlight and so if any one wants a mention just holla!!
Haha-I saw the Observer article yesterday and smiled to see you being mentioned!! Poor Lorraine, slumming it in High Street and obviously not happy with the results-the indignity indeed! She obviously doesn't check out Primark in her lunch hour then-maybe she should, she might get a nice surprise every now and then!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a silly article that was - what kind of a "test" is fashion week amongst fashion people? If a Balenciaga jacket isn't enough to save you from front row embarrassment then nothing can, no matter where it's from.
ReplyDeleteBig Thanks for the award, and congrats on yours!
ReplyDeleteBig congrats to you!
ReplyDeleteOh and I never got used to dem nails. I gave in and had them shortened. Now I look at those ladies with huge nails with respect!
x Grayburn
Ha ha! And a big thanks for the award! xx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on receiving Hammie's lovely award. It's great—and deserved—recognition for you. And Hammie's such a kind soul, isn't she, for handing out hand-made awards? I also love that "I heart your blog" one, it's very cute.
ReplyDeleteYou've chosen some great award recipients. I don't know them all, but will be checking them out.
I think it's easy to scoff at "make do" style when you've got loads of cash lying around. When it's time to tighten one's belt, somehow, "make do" looks a lot more appealing. Let's see how the scoffers deal with their empty coffers!
Oh, that's good, isn't it?
So "lemon" girl why were you so sure that you're a lemon?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for the awards!!!
And that article if funny lol
so fantastic !
ReplyDeletea kiss!!!
You deserve all manner of shout outs and awards. Congrats to you!! And, thank you for the lovely award. So sweet of you.:-)
ReplyDeleteHaha, thats sooo funny! Wish I could read the article, I would have had a good laugh. Its like when Nina Garrcia "discovered" the high street a few years back in Elle and declared to the world that the clothes actually could be worn AND was stylish. We had so much fun with this and I remember it really well. I myself are proud to be a member of a fashion society that does not take it to seriuosly, because this editor probably do. Congrats on the awards, you deserve them all!
ReplyDeleteThank you Kate!!! Now...how do i paste it onto my side content bar thing? Do I need a code?
ReplyDeleteCongrats, kitten! Always gratifying to get a little b'love.
ReplyDeleteAnd WHEW, Vernon's article is a HOOT!
oh no it doesn't work, i need the the html code to paste onto my side bar thingy.
ReplyDeletehmm, the candy article is interesting, but I was scared when her 4yr. old daughter turned her nose down at the boots!
ReplyDeleteFashion snobs are tragic losers. Congrats on your award from Hammie, whose love is worth more than Chanel times Prada!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations: well deserved and thanks for the compliments.
ReplyDeleteI never thought of it as a "Mrs Doyle-esque" picture, but you are right it is. And the funny part is that it is on the same street as Guess, Hackett,Thomas Pink Timberland and other local designer emporiums. I believe Georgio is taking out a lease soon. Quite appropriate to your post.
Whoo! Thank you so much for thinking of Stylist Stuff and giving it an award!! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteOOh I read the Candy article and thought ecactly the same thing! If an EDITOR of a FASHION MAG can't make a high street mag look good then what hope it there for the rest of us? Duh!