Monday, 30 November 2009
Thought for the week - quality v quantity part 2
So, this week I'm going to ask you for your top five items that you would spend serious money on - the things of quality you would buy to keep forever.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
High Street Pick of the Week - Christmas gift ideas

I don't mean to encourage anyone to drink but I can't recommend the wonderful writing on wines and other drink by Victoria Moore,enough. After many years of reading and trying her recommendations - she has a column every Saturday in the Guardian Weekend, I can vouch and attest for her wonderful palette. Her £8.99 book available from Toast is a worthy contender for a Christmas gift. Not fashion but hey what's fashion without the occasional tipple.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Just as I finish my dissertation...
...yes, yes, bar the final few bits of proofing and the typesetting offer from the marvellous Delicious Industries, I done it!! 'That Red Dress Moment - Hollywood’s continuing love affair with the red dress, the ultimate motif for narrative change and character revelation' is complete.
Having 'nailed it' I decided to indulge in browsing and imagine my surprise when The Times current fashion slide show happens to be the red dress.
This Vionnet number is my favourite. I saw the model in a red dress on another blog (don't remember which one as my mind is on halt mode) and didn't even register the fact as the discussion was how lovely the female model is ... and she is.

30% off everything at my-wardrobe
We are doing a special weekend treat and offering a 30% discount on all our brands only excluding sales items.
So now is the time to get shopping Partydresses and Christmas Presents, spread the love!
The code is MWFF, just enter it in at checkout for a 30% off, Enjoy!
And this is in lieu of any bloggy thoughts I might have although I've nearly finished the dissertation, only abstract and acknowledgements to go!!Thursday, 26 November 2009
Ugly Betty's Claire Meade
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
This is very nice and also it gets me out of the hole which is proper posting (only a week to go on the MA front, I've got no library fines so fingers crossed I'll get a Masters).
I will be fully focused again after 4th December.

The over the top award has a question list to answer
1. Your hair: wavy bed head (not by choice) shoulder length
13. Your TV: X Factor, Ugly Betty
16. Your favourite colour: Red
19. Your best friend: Mr MDS and Mrs Miggins (not her real name!)
I'm sure I'm meant to pass this on but I'm befuddled with words like help yourself!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Roast update!
Monday, 23 November 2009
Thought for the week - quality v quantity part 1

Over the next few weeks I would like to debate this issue on the blog and today's post is just to kick the debate off.
There are two elements to the quality v quantity rationale. One is obviously it is deemed to be better to have a wardrobe of quality items that will last you years rather than lots and lots of cheaper disposable items. The quality angle is now perceived as more environmentally favourable adding weight to the debate of less is more.
However the other aspect of this debate is that of wealth and class - does the quality debate denote status/breeding(class)/intelligence versus the masses/lack of breeding/ignorance.
When you buy an item of quality do you feel superior style/fashion wise?
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Market Trading
I was forced on Saturday to nip to the bike shop after some idiot stole my back bike light which is worth all of £6 and managed to break the child seat for petit garcon which costs £71. The poor boy had to go on his scooter, whilst I pushed my bike and I promised him some new pyjamas - Ben 10 ones. He did try to negotiate Caffe Nero too but I told him to choose between pyjamas or Caffe Nero. He choose pyjamas but I still lost out as I also bought him some Scooby Doo slippers.
The bonus was as we walked to and fro from the bike stands, our thorough fare M&S was doling out free samples of champagne and biscuit tin selections. Two thimblefuls of champagne later for moi and biscuit each way for the boy made me stop and browse the market stalls outside M&S.
The stall I'm fascinated with is a mix of faux fur, second hand coats, denim and sheepskins. I asked the lady who runs the stall if I could do a proper interview with her as I realised designers, retailers, the internet, pop up shops and vintage/second hand shops all get a look in but not market trading. I'm curious to find out more....the stall is at Wimbledon every Sunday, Epsom every Saturday and Kempton Races and somewhere else in the week, which has escaped my memory as I quickly asked her (don't know the persons name yet) before the garcon scooted off.

Saturday, 21 November 2009
High Street Pick of the Week - Christmas gift ideas
I'm starting with my favourite internet site for t-shirts for the man in your life, brother, dad etc.
The Shot Dead in the Head site possibly has some of the funniest t-shirts around but in good designs and very good quality cotton without costing a fortune. This is the key, t-shirts are rubbish unless well executed. Plus t-shirts are great for guys they need them for the weekend!

One of the selection of music tees
Friday, 20 November 2009
A favour...
To cut a long story short, Epsom is a very small town on the edge of London (if I lived half a mile down the road I'd have a London phone number) and where I live the local council decided not to dismantle a very ugly water tower as part of green belt development of the old London mental hospitals. My house is across from an old wing where Ronnie Kray was committed to!
The developers told them to pull it down as it is not a listed building, nor of architectural note etc. etc. but no some worthy jobs worth thought it had some merit. We are left with a large home for pigeons and the owners London and Quadrant who bought it for a £1 (this is all true) want to add to the huge tower and make it a high rise tower block of flats.
Now I'd gladly live in a Chelsea Harbour high rise or a NYC one but Epsom is a cute town with an unsullied sky line. Myself, the neighbours and the local deer, whom we share with Cheryl Cole who lives down the road in Oxshott would like to keep it that way.
Would you - although you have no earthly interest in this matter become a follower of the Livingstone Park Action Blog just to big us up and once the whole thing is over I'll make sure the follower button is removed. You don't have to read it or ever visit again but if you could help the little people stand up to the big corporation it would be much appreciated!!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Just in...
Just enter QJX156 in the promotional code box at the checkout!
PS do tell me if you find these things useful to know or plain dull. I just 305 off was not to be sniffed at. Feedback always welcome and taken on board. I'm slacking in my posts as tip tapping away on laptop only 2500 words to go!
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Mundane Matters
Secondly, the dissertation is nearly done and the end is in sight. It has to be finishes, proof read, typeset and bound all by the 4th of December. I will be a gibbering wreck soon.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
I've got fat hips but still ate cake
My fat hips have been creeping up on me for a while. Well it is more a bit more fat all over in fact, however after seeing Sister Wolf in her great figure splendour at 56 even whilst rocking a walking aide - I knew my hips were inflating. A quick text to Wee Birdy drew me no comfort because a) she had another appointment and we couldn't have a fat hip conflab at the my-wardrobe S/S press event and b) she replied No - fat hips!
So I hauled my fat hips to the my-wardrobe S/S10 press evening last week in the rain. Upon entering the thin hips world of the my-wardrobe crew I adopted a professional frame of mind and set about appraising the collection pushing my hips to one side.
I found this McQ dress first amongst the racks and rack of clothes. I loved the colour and easy shape of it - the material and print is beautiful.
Yet more colour and style in this gorgeous number from Manoush. It is glorious and instantly made me think of summer days even though Christmas hasn't come.
Being in the UK one can expect rain in Spring and Summer and what better than these cute welly booties from Vivienne Westwood
And these little beauties are Zandra Rhodes designs who had been backed by an American company whose names escapes me but I was told they'd been selected for SATC2. I heard this quite a few times and all I could think was what hasn't been selected for SATC2. But the shoes really are interesting summer footwear and in strong interesting colours.
I was impressed with the House of Harlow shoes, well made and good material. The lattice flats are stunning in the flesh and somehow don't translate in a photo.
These See by Chloe wedges hit the nautical note and also reminded me I needed to nip off home. I was tempted by these little beauties on my way out and despite my fat hips a yellow and purple teeny tiny cakes found there way into my mouth - opps!
Monday, 16 November 2009
A Birthday Roasting
By the time we sat down at the table which was free and removed us from the inconvenience of having to deal with waiting staff/child/falling down stairs I wanted to go home.
Then I insisted on a quick pop into the V&A for my fix! The day was finished off with the most popular cafe in South Kensington, the newly extended Pret A Manager, where the service was impeccable and the people were very nice. Ahh, South Kensington makes for all is well with the world.
PS This is also proof that I didn't do H&M for Jimmy Choo!!